Phone: 336-819-2985


Degrees and Certifications:

B.S. Applied Science

Ms. Sasha Richmond

My name is Sasha Richmond. I have a B.S. in Applied Science from Bluefield State College in Bluefield, WV

I love Math, Science, and Social Studies. My favorite sports team are UK and the LA Lakers. I also am the assistant coach for the Girls Basketball and Softball Team. I have played volleyball, basketball, and softball in from middle, high, and college. 

I am part of the Pioneer Team on the 6th Grade Hallway. This is my 2nd year teaching Social Studies and my 6th year in the school system. 


Canvas Instructions

Click the link to NCEdCloud:

Log in with username and password (for your child)

Click on Canvas

The dashboard will show all of the classes that your child is enrolled in

For Social Studies- Click on Richmond- Social Studies (Homeroom is for my 1st Core and the other Social Studies Page is for Cores 2,3,and 4)

There are tabs on the left hand side that we will use. Also on the right hand side it will show different things that need to be completed.

When a child submits an assignment into Canvas, you should see a submit button. If the work has been submitted, then it will show a resubmit option, if not it will show a submit option.