• Hola, mi nombre es 
    Maria Ardila


    I am a Spanish teacher at NWHS. I am a native of Bogota, Colombia.

    I received my bachelors in Philology and Languages from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia and I am a former Fulbright Scholar. 

    I have been teaching for over 25 years.

    In my free time I like to ride my bicycle, work in my garden and knit! 


    If you have any questions please email me at ardilam@gcsnc.com 

    Please also join the Remind for your class! 


    2024-2025 Class Schedule 

    1st Period - Spanish II

    2nd Period - Planning 

    3rd Period - Spanish for Heritage Speakers

    4th Period - Spanish II

    5th Period - Spanish II

    6th Period - Spanish II 



ardila classroom