Welcome to Swann Middle School's Counseling Department




    School Counselors assist with students' academic, career, and social/emotional development through direct and indirect services. We do not provide therapy or long-term counseling. However, we can connect students and families with local community resources. We support students through a holistic lens and are proud to serve our Swann Lions!

    The Counseling Canvas Page

    Are you enrolled in the Swann Middle Counseling Canvas page? You can self-enroll by clicking here. On our Canvas page, students have access to weekly lessons that are aligned with academic, social/emotional, and career development. We also post fun brain breaks and interesting discussions. There is also a form students can complete to make an appointment to see their school counselor. 

    GCS Student Crisis Hotline: 336.332.7295

    The GCS Student Crisis Hotline is available daily from 7:00AM until midnight and is staffed by GCS counselors, social workers, school psychologists and those trained to assist students in crisis.

    Reporting Harassment, Bullying, and Discrimination

    To complete the GCS Harassment, Bullying, or Discrimination form online, follow these instructions:

    1. Go to www.gcsnc.com

    2. At the top of the page, towards the right, click on "Departments"

    3. Under the letter S, click on "Social Emotional Learning and Character Education"

    4. Towards the left, click on "Bullying Prevention"

    5. Towards the right, click on the "Report Bullying Online" button

    For a PDF version of the form click here

    Resources for Families and Students

    GCS Social Emotional Learning Activities for Families

    GCS Covid-19 Important Resources