• Please go to indistar.org to view Sedalia Elementary School Minutes


    Username: guests16420

    Password: guests16420


    2023-2024 School Leadership Team 

    Yvonne Eason                     Principal -easony2@gcsnc.com

    Kimberly Adame                  Assistant Principal robinst4@gcsnc.com

    Megan Peele                       K-2 Curriculum Facilitator peelem@gcsnc.com

    Laura Clegg                        3rd-5th Curriculum Facilitator cleggl@gcsnc.com

    Christine Huemmer             Pre-K - huemmec@gcsnc.com

    Denise Murphy                    Kindergarten- griffih@gcsnc.com

    Robin LaRue                       First Grade-  hodginj2@gcsnc.com

    Jalenne Lawson-Johnson   Second Grade- hardind@gcsnc.com

    Stephanie Martens              Third Grade- martens@gcsnc.com

    Rachel Lavey                      Fourth Grade- laveyr@gcsnc.com

    Cristin Hightower                Fifth Grade- hightoc@gcsnc.com

    Sylvia Cozart                      Teacher Assistant cozarts2@gcsnc.com

    Ashley Gerrald                   Support Staff- gerrala@gcsnc.com

    Amy Gillingham                  EC Representative gillina@gcsnc.com

    Cornisha Tate                     Counselor-morgano@gcsnc.com

    Mrs. Goolsby                      Parent- ldavis2@yahoo.com                                        

    Dr. Howard Harvey            District SSO harveyh@gcsnc.com


    Parents are always welcome to attend any meeting! Meetings are held VIRTUALLY on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 2:45. Remember, all meetings are held VIRTUALLY.


    2024-2025 Meeting Dates


    September 10th

    October 8th

    November 12th

    December 10th

    January 7th

    February 11th

    March 11th

    April 8th

    May 13th

    June 10th