• I teach English Learners at McLeansville Elementary. I have a passion for the subject I teach because I am a former English Learner.  My family came to America when I was seven years old, and I did not know any English. Therefore, I am very familiar with the challenges my students face.
    I have a business degree from Pace University in New York City and I worked in finance and international trade until my son was born. At that point , I decided to go back to school to become a teacher. I took child psychology and pedagogy classes at Union Collect in New Jersey and at Greensboro College. A few years ago I was accepted into the GCS ACT program where completed my license requirements.
    I LOVE to see the moment the light bulb goes on and a child grasps a concept for the first time. I feel extremely fortunate to do this type of work, and I'm looking forward to another wonderful year at McLeansville Elementary.
    Feel free to contact me any time at extension 1655. I will return your call within 48 hours.
    Annabel Hrubes
