• Hunter SEL Shared Vision

    At Hunter Elementary, we partner with our families and community to create an environment where members of our community are safe, supported and valued. 

    We are mindful of our responsibility to help all students reach their full potential by holding high expectations, teaching students the skills they need for success, and honoring their uniqueness.   

    What is PBIS?

    Positive Behavior Support Intervention Support is designed to benefit students, staff, and parents.

    Students benefit from a predictable environment where they know exactly what is expected of them to be successful, both academically and behaviorally

    Staff benefit from having a structured approach that outlines the practices and systems that define the social culture of that school.

    Parents benefit from knowing at the beginning of the school year what the expectations will be for their child.


    School Wide Expectations

    As a Hunter Hawk, I will:

    H - Honor diversity
    U - Use self-control
    N - Never give up
    T - Take Responsibility

    E - Encourage and

    R - Respect myself and others

    What Students, Staff and Parents Gain from PBIS

    • reduction in office referrals
    • reduction in out of school suspensions
    • a more positive learning environment
    • more consistent behavior expectations school-wide

    Frequently Asked Questions

    1. Is PBIS for every student?

    PBIS is for all students and all staff at Hunter Elementary School.

    2. Why do schools need to do this?

    Historically, detention, loss of privileges, suspensions, exclusions, and counseling have been used to attempt to help students. These interventions were often ineffective.  As schools implement PBIS, they develop a clear set of positive expectations and behaviors that are taught through classroom instruction and recognized throughout the school. Students learn that all staff members will hold them accountable to the same expectations.

    3. Does PBIS mean students will not be punished for misbehavior?

    No. Schools will encourage positive behaviors and the students will still be held accountable for their behaviors.

    4. What are Hawk Feathers?

    Students will earn Hawk Feathers from all staff members for demonstrating Hunter's expectations throughout the school day and throughout the common areas of the school building.  Students who earn Hawk Feathers have the opportunity to participate in weekly prize drawings and quarterly PBIS Celebrations.