Welcome to Ms. Newman's third-grade webpage. Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I am from the great state of Pennsylvania and have been living in the wonderful state of North Carolina for just over 20 years. I attended Westminster College to earn my BA in Elementary Education. My favorite thing to do is to read while I listen to the television. It takes a lot of concentration. I have been at Frazier Elementary for just over 20 years and have loved every one of them. I am excited to be part of your experience here at Frazier. Please let me know how I can assist you at any time.
School # 336-294-7340
Classroom dojo
Text Only 412-445-4378
Daily Schedule During Remote Learning
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday:
8:00 Live Science
10:00 Math
11;00 ELA
12:30 Small group Math
1:00 ARC Conferencing
Tuesday and Friday:
10:00 Math
11:00 ELA
12:30 Small group math
1:00 ARC Conferencing.