Phone: 336-375-2585 or 336-709-9504
Degrees and Certifications:
BSW-Bachelor of Social Work Degree from North Carolina A&T State University MSW- Master of Social Work Degree from The JMSW Program- North Carolina A&T and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro Honors Alpha Delta Mu- National Social Work Honor Society Phi Alpha- National Social Work Honor Society
Mrs. Vanessa Jarmon, MSW
Social work services are designed to promote the maximum development of all students by the prevention and /or alleviation of problems that interfere with a child’s learning. The primary goal of the social worker is to be an effective liaison between the home, school and community to ensure that the best possible conditions for learning occur. Extensive involvement with parents to encourage a more active and responsible role in the education of their children is a major emphasis. Problems that may interfere with learning might include:
Family dysfunction Inappropriate behavior
Homelessness Absenteeism
Substance abuse Economic deprivation
Family violence Lack of understanding of school policies
Child abuse/neglect and programs
When problems are identified, every effort will be made by the school worker to assist students, parents and guardians in obtaining the necessary services to resolve the problems. These services might include:
- Directly interacting with students and families to meet their needs
- Conflict resolution and mediation
- Advocacy services
- Making referrals to community agencies
- Participation on school-based and community teams
- Program planning and resource identification
- Working with students individually or in small groups
- Providing Crisis intervention
- Enhancing parental involvement effort of the school
- Providing case management services for identified students
- Providing support of academic programs
- Facilitating improved attendance
- Working with the students and their families in the home
- Providing parent education workshops
- Increasing Volunteer programs in the school
About Mrs. Jarmon:
Born in New York City
Birthday: January 4th
Favorite Teams: Aggies, Cowboys, and Tarheels
Favorite athletes: Michael Jordan, Lebron James,and Serena Williams
Favorite Colors: Yellow, Orange and Red
Hobbies: Relaxing, watching TV and traveling