Whirlie Way Fundraiser Donate Today
2020-2021 Fundraising Goal: $15,000
Why should you support the PTSA?
- The Grimsley PTSA is the ONLY organization that serves ALL of the students and staff at Grimsley
- 100% of your Whirlie Way donation goes toward supporting projects on campus
- Your PTSA membership elevates our voices for state level advocacy
- We encourage everyone to take part – no gift is too small!
What does the PTSA do? Your GHS PTSA provides:
- Classroom Materials & Technology
- Beautification & Hospitality
- Support for Project Graduation
- Funding Student Awards, Teacher Grants and awards for excellence in Teaching
- COVID Student and Family Support, and much, much more!
Become a member of the PTSA and donate to the Whirlie Way:
Online at https://grimsleyhighschoolptsa.memberhub.store/
Or mail your check to:
801 N. Josephine Boyd Street
Greensboro, NC 27408