Valid photo ID is required for all early pick-ups.
A note from the parent/guardian with the following information is required:
- Reason for leaving early
- Time of departure
- Name of person who will pick up student
- Signature of parent/guardian
The note must be presented to the secretary in the main office by 8:55 A.M.
If dismissed early, students must report to the main office before leaving school.
The parent/guardian must sign the student out prior to the student leaving campus. A photo ID is required when signing out a student.
Unless it is a family emergency, we will only call for students without prior notification of an early dismissal at the end of the class period. Students who have notes but forget to come to the office at the time indicated, will be called at the next class change.
A student is counted absent if he/she leaves before 12:20 P.M. or arrives after 12:20 P.M.