PBIS is a rewards based behavioral system that involves input and participation from the ENTIRE school. Through PBIS we communicate our EXPECTATIONS.
All staff will be looking out for positive behavior in every area of our school all day- classrooms, hallways, cafeteria, bathrooms, during arrival, during transitions, and during dismissal.
Students will be REWARDED for meeting expectations through prizes, free choice activities and field trips.
GOAL: Earn 50 points and go to a movie party at RED Cinema!
The PBIS store will also be open in the cafeteria for students during lunch on Fridays. Points can be used to get items from the PBIS store.
Points may be given at any time of the day by any staff member. Points will be awarded and managed using PBIS Rewards.
Teachers may award points to their entire class once a week for a week of everyone wearing SMOD.
You can earn points for random acts of kindness, using appropriate language on campus, or helping keep our campus clean and our facilities in great condition.
Introducing PBIS Rewards -watch this video to learn about PBIS Rewards!