- Pruette SCALE Academy
- Agreement
Dean B. Pruette SCALE Academy/Parent/Student Information and Compact Agreement
Students assigned to Dean B. Pruette SCALE Academy have been long term suspended from their regular school or been alternatively placed through the GCS Reassignment Office. At Pruette, we give students the opportunity to remain in school in an alternative setting instead of being suspended at home for the remainder of the year. We recognize that active parental involvement and support are a necessity for us to partner together to assure the student’s success. We hope that all who participate in this process see Pruette as an OPPORTUNITY, and not as a punishment. We ask that the Parent/Guardian and Student review and sign the expectations for the school, parent, and students at Henderson:
- DPSA will provide the opportunity for the student to continue his/her classes in an attempt to be promoted and/or receive credits needed for graduation.
- DPSA teachers will provide extra help in areas of core academics and critical thinking/problem solving skills needed for success in life after high school.
- DPSA will coordinate with the student’s home school concerning courses, testing, and the student’s return after the contract is completed.
- DPSA counselors will provide conflict resolution and coping strategies needed for success.
- Attend an Intake/Orientation session and participate in the development of a plan for the student’s success at Pruette.
- Parent/Guardian will provide the school with current working phone numbers.
- Parent/Guardian will support the structure of DPSA by providing proper mode of dress, encouraging students to attend regularly on time, and supporting the authority of DPA staff.
- Parent/Guardian will arrange transportation for students who become sick or need to leave school.
- Parent/Guardian will attend conferences when needed.
- Parent/Guardian grant permission for daily and random searches of my son/daughter as described in the DPSA Student/Parent Handbook “Search and Scan Procedures”
- Parent/Guardian will allow students to participate in programs during school, such as Alcohol and Drug Prevention, Anger Management, etc. to benefit the student’s development toward adulthood
- Student will attend school regularly and respect the authority of all DPSA staff members.
- Student will follow all DPSA guidelines, including the standard mode of dress and search procedures, leaving prohibited items at home.
- Students will bring requested educational materials and give their best effort in class.
If the school, parent, and student perform their roles and work together, the student will complete their contract and be able to return to their home school on the designated time indicated by either the GCS Hearing Office or Reassignment Office. This date may be modified by the DPSA Principal if the student’s behavior, attendance and/or academic goals are not met. Please sign below indicating your willingness to partner in this process.
Parent/Guardian: I understand that my son/daughter has been long term suspended or alternative placed from their regular school and has been given the chance to attend DPSA. I also understand that if he/she does not comply with the policies of HIHS, he/she will be dismissed and lose the opportunity to attend a Guilford County School this year. I agree to help by performing the parent roles listed above.
Signature: ___________________________________ Date: ______________
Signature: ___________________________________ Date: ______________
Student: I understand that I have been long tern suspended from my regular school and given the chance to attend DPSA. I also understand that if I do not comply with the policies of DPSA, I can be dismissed and lose the opportunity to attend a GCS school for the remainder of this school year. I agree to help myself by performing the roles of the student listed above.
Signature: ___________________________________ Date: ______________