If you are having trouble logging into or accessing Canvas:
1. Make sure you have the correct log-in information. Please ask your teacher.
2. Try using Google Chrome. That is the preferred browser.
3. Try clearing your browser history or cache. This can be found in your browser's settings.
4. Make sure you're going to my.ncedcloud.org, not with the .com ending.
5. Exit out of the browser and try going back in.
6. Ask your teacher for help. S/he may need to reset your password.
If you are using the Canvas app on a mobile device:
When it prompts you for the school name, search for Guilford County Schools-students and teachers, not Irving Park
If you have two or more children using the same device:
Rather than having them log in and out, you can open a private or incognito window and have the other child sign in under that. You can have them both open at the same time.
To view Conferences in Canvas:
Click on the View Coursestream at the top right. Ask your teacher to click on your name and change your status to a moderator so the class can see each other.
If you are having trouble viewing videos:
Please be patient with us. Let your teacher know. Sometimes things look right on our side, but don't work on the student side.
If you can't type in files you download from your teacher's page:
The ARC materials for reading seem to download in a protected mode. If you open them in Microsoft Word, there should be a button at the top that says, "Enable Editing." Click on that. Or, you may try saving a copy of the file, renaming it with your name in the title. That should allow you to work in it.
Please email or send a message to Ms. Long in Class Dojo if you are still having issues: longj2@gcsnc.com
I am here for you and will do my best to help.