• My name is (Coach or Mr) Duncan Everett and I will be teaching Business Essentials, Sports and Event Marketing 1, and Sports and Event Marketing 2 for the 2020-2021 school year. I graduated from Northwest Guilford High School in 2011. I then attended Pfeiffer University to continue my baseball career and further my education with a degree in Sports and Business Management. My first job out of college was selling apartments in Burlington, NC but I knew that teaching and coaching was something I had always thought I would be doing. I started working at Northwest 6 years ago as a Teacher Assistant in the EC department before I came across the opportunity at Andrews in the February before Covid. This will be my 4th full year as a classroom teacher and I couldn't be more excited to continue to grow my teaching experience here at TWA.

    My contact information will be as follows:

    Google Voice: (336) 338-8239

    Email: everetd@gcsnc.com