• Invest in Student Support Services

    • 66% of our students are considered
      economically disadvantaged, and were
      struggling with the negative impacts of
      hunger, homelessness, housing insecurity
      and extreme poverty before the COVID-19
    • The pandemic has added new levels of trauma
      and dislocation for students and their families
      that will require extensive intervention and
      support—academically, physically, socially and
    • English learners and students with disabilities
      struggled the most during remote learning. 
  • Initiatives to Address Challenges

    • Establish Newcomers School @ Andrews
      Interpretation services.
    • Early Learning Center in East Greensboro (Pre-K)
      Pandemic-related nursing supports for
    • Mobile buses for community supports including
      academic tutoring community partnerships
      and mental health coordination to support
      community schools (starts in High Point).
    • Professional learning - teachers/support staff
      (Social Emotional Learning)
    • Attendance Campaign