Welcome to the Virtual Library Media Center!

Fall into a Perfect Book!

  • Grab a pencil and a scrap piece of paper to take the quiz. As you answer the questions, write down the number of points for your answer. Then add them all together.

Ms. SB's Schedule

  • 7:30-8:30 Office Hours Daily--Join the Teams meeting or call 336.525.9916

    Office Hours by Appointment--Schedule an appointment

    Thrilling Thursdays--Find your meeting on the Canvas page. On Thursdays, K-5 students will meet with Ms. SB, Ms. Gumbs, Ms. Roshan and Ms. DeRuyter in rotation.

Accessing the GeUP eBook and Audiobook Collection

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How long can I keep a book I check out?

    Posted by:

    Picture books can be checked out for 5 days. Longer books are checked out for 14 days. The books are automatically returned, so you don't have to worry about it, but if you finish a book sooner, it's considerate to return it so others can check it out.

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  • What is GOALS and how do I use it?

    Posted by:

    GOALS stands for Guilford Open Access to Libraries for Students.

    Through GOALS, all GCS students have access to Greensboro Public Library and High Point Public Library. To use your public library account, just add "GCS" in front of your student ID number. Ex: GCS9876543 (use capital letters).

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  • How do I access the GeUP ebook collection?

    Posted by:

    There are two ways to access the ebook collection:

    Click on the computer in the image above or go to the Destiny Discover website.

    Click "Login" in the top right corner. Click the Clever button to log in with Clever.



    From the Clever home page, click the blue button with the image of a book that is labeled "Follett Destiny Discover."

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  • How do I get help with technology issues?

    Posted by:

    You can email your Teacher-Librarian at sullivm@gcsnc.com, call or text at 336.525.9916 or call at 336.522.6330, ext. 302132. Texting or emailing screen shots is very helpful.

    Please leave a message if Mrs. SB doesn't answer your call. She will return your call as soon as possible.

    You can also call the helpdesk directly at 336.370.8179.


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