• Media Center Hours

    8:20 AM - 3:45 PM (Closed on School-wide Testing Days)

    Check Outs

    Books: up to 3 books for 3 weeks.  Only one book may be a graphic novel.

    E-Books & Audiobooks: Up to 10 digital titles may be checked out at a time.

    Books can be renewed once for r3 more weeks.  No renewals on graphic novels.

    Return items at any time during the day.  Place them on the small purple cart or on the circulation desk beside the monitor.

    While we do not have fines for overdue books, checkouts are limited until items are returned.  

    We do not check out books during class transitions. 

    When the media center is open

    Students must have a pass to be in the media center during the school day.

    Students are welcome in the media center to check out books, do research, or enjoy leisure reading throughout the day with teacher permission.

    Additional Expectations

    Treat the books, computers, and the space with respect.

    Treat each other with respect - Use Kind Words

    No Food, Candy, or Gum in the Media Center  

    No rough housing or running 

    Keep voices low