- Western Guilford Middle School
- Summer Reading Programs
GCS wants students to keep reading over Summer Break!
PreK-12th grade students can record the minutes they read over the break in Beanstack for an opportunity to earn one free General Admission ticket to Kersey Valley attraction.
Students must read at least 600 minutes between June 8 and August 25 to earn the opportunity to win the prize!
Reading minutes must be logged in *Beanstack by August 30th to be eligible for a prize. Students who cannot record their minutes over Summer Break can enter them in Beanstack when they return to school. To count toward the challenge, minutes will need to be dated during Summer Break.
Go to clever.com/in/GCS. Then click on the Beanstack icon to get started!
NOTE: Students will lose access to Beanstack once Powerschool rosters are cleared to prepare for the new school year (usually August 1).
Keep track of your child's summer reading minutes using this paper reading log, perfect on your fridge! You can also turn in this log to your child's homeroom teacher on open house night!