• Hello young artists! I hope you are as excited about Visual Art and Photographic Design as I am. It is a real joy for me to be able to spend this time exploring all that visual art has to offer you. I love art history as well as contemporary art but most of all I love material exploration as an artist. Here's to fantastic classes of exploration together! 

    Jessamyn Bailey 

    2024-2025 School year 

    2023-2024 SCHEDULE  

    1st Semester:  

    1st Block: Planning 

    2nd Block: AP Art 2D Design & Visual Art Intermediate  

    3rd Block:  Honors Visual Art Proficient & Advanced   

    4th Block: Photographic Design Beginning & Intermediate 


    2nd Semester:  

    1st Block:  Planning  

    2nd Block: Photographic Design Beginning & Intermediate & AP Art 2D Design    

    3rd Block: Honors Visual Art Proficient & Advanced 

    4th Block: Visual Art Intermediate 


    Tutoring: Mondays-Wednesdays by appointment 

teacher business card