• At Erwin, Pre-K through fifth grade classes are taught using the Montessori method of instruction. Parents interested in submitting an application and learning more about Montessori can call the school for an appointment to tour Erwin or to ask to speak with parents whose children are already at the school. Montessori parents are encouraged and expected to take an active role in their child's education.

         Student Engagement

  • Erwin Montessori was designated as a National PTA School of Excellence in 2021.

    Erwin Montessori was named a
    State and National School of Character in 2017.

    School of Character Badges

    Malaina Seegars

    School Mascot: Eagle 
     Erwin Eagle Mascot

    School Colors: Red, Blue and Yellow 
    Erwin logo

    Instructional Day:
    7:50 am - 2:25pm

    Grades served:  Prek-5

    Number of students: 200

    School Demographics:
    African-American = 81%
    Hispanic = 12%
    White = 6%
    Asian = <1%
    Multi-Racial = <1%

    School Board Representative:
    Deena Hayes, hayesd@gcsnc.com

    Deena A. Hayes, Chair



  • The Montessori philosophy and 
    instructional methods include:

    *Hands on active engagement;

    *Differentiated instruction based on the students' interests, needs and developmental level;

    *Opportunities for each child to develop a strong sense of independence and responsibility.

    Students at Erwin study the Common Core and NC State Essential Standards, as well as the Montessori curriculum.
    Both curriculums prepare students for the state and local tests administered to all Guilford County elementary students.



  •  Our beliefs which support our Mission Statement-

    • Each child is unique.
    • All children will learn.
    • All children deserve respect and courtesy.
    • Each child learns at his/her own learning time.
    • The learning environment should reflect the world of the child-not the comfort of the adult.
    • Parents are their children's first teacher.
    • Children should be empowered and taught to discipline themselves and should be allowed to make choices.
    • Children should work for intrinsic motivation and not external rewards.