Sports & Clubs
6th Graders may now try out for sports (except for Football).
However, you must have a Physical and Concussion Form on file before you try out.
Also, in addition to Sports there are many clubs available for you to join.
A few are listed below with their advisor names so that you may contact them for more info!
Club Name- Teacher
Art Club - Art Teachers-
Battle of the Books- Mrs. Wasserman/Media Center
Chess -Mr. Melton
Creative Writing Club- Ms. Veronica Figueroa & Chance Hartley
Energy Wise Club- Mr. Melton and Mrs. Cantrell
FLL- FIRST Lego League/Robotics- Mrs. Nicole Penn & Mrs. Scheneck
Knitting Club- Mrs. Ramsey
KTV (Kiser TV Show) - Mrs. Nicole Penn
Makerspace Club- Ms. Scheneck
Meteorology Club- Mrs. Cantrell
Student Council - Ms. Moore
Traveling Tigers- Ms. Gina DiFrancisco
Technology Student Association (TSA)/Robotics- Mrs. Nicole Penn
Yearbook Club & Book Club - Mrs. V. Oldham and Mrs. Silver