Home of the Falcons
Foust Falcons: Under Construction, Building Instruction...Get ready for take-off!
Show Self-Discipline. Overcome Obstacles. Act Responsibly. Respect Others.
Foust Elementary is a Pre-K (minute Kindergarten) through 5th-grade school with 260 enthusiastic learners. "While we are waiting for the construction of our new state of the art learning facility to be completed, we are located at our temporary site at Jackson Middle School. All First-Fifth Grade classes are housed at Jackson, while our Prek and EC Adaptive classes are housed on the campus site of Murphy Traditional Academy". Our amazing teaching staff form close bonds with students and families to ensure that every child meets his or her potential. We use a combination of direct instruction, small group coaching, digital learning, and action-based learning to help students master standards in reading, math, social studies, and science. Thanks to a grant from the Clark Legacy Foundation, all of our students have been issued Lenovo Thinkpads for digital learning in the classroom. In addition to academic subjects, students also participate weekly in art, music, physical education, technology, media, and guidance. We teach character through service learning and Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports. The school has either Exceeded Expected Growth or Met Expected Growth for the past five school years and grade level proficiency has increased. Our entire school community benefits from partnerships with five local churches, the Weaver Foundation, Out of the Garden Project, North Carolina Agricultural &Technical University, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro College, Guilford Technical Community College Adult Education Program, High Point University, NC Smiles, and the Volunteer Center of Greensboro. Through these partnerships, we work together in the best interest of all Foust Falcons!
Teaching is one of the most important and rewarding professions in the world! At Foust Elementary, we are seeking outstanding educators to assist us in our quest to provide a world-class education to the children
and the families we serve. Teacher candidates we seek will possess the following characteristics:
◆ Demonstrate a passion for equity and excellence: We are interested in candidates who set high standards for themselves and their students. More importantly, we are seeking people who see teaching as “social activism”: people who are committed to effectively captivating, inspiring, and teaching our children at high levels.
◆ Demonstrate a commitment to collaboration: We have mountains to move here at Foust Elementary School. However, we believe we can move mountains by working with each other, our students’ parents, our business community, and most importantly, our students.
◆ Demonstrate a commitment to reflective practice: Each year poses new challenges for us as a school. We service an extremely diverse range of learners, and we are always challenging ourselves to look at our own practices and change for the better! There is never a time in which we have “learned enough,” and we seek people who are comfortable in a highly dynamic, continually changing environment!
◆ Demonstrate a commitment to professionalism: We take customer satisfaction seriously as a school. Our customers include our staff, our students, our students’ parents, our Foust Elementary School community, and our business community. We are seeking people who understand how to create win-win scenarios by balancing personal wants and the interests of our customers.
◆ Demonstrate a commitment to building high-quality relationships: We believe significant learning does not occur without a significant relationship. We place an enormous emphasis on building meaningful, respectful relationships between staff, parents, and students.
This has been an extraordinary year of learning for us as a community. We are looking forward to identifying individuals with similar ideals and characteristics as we move forward on our journey toward excellence.
If you believe that the characteristics that have been described reflect who you are as a person and as an educator, we would love to speak with you.
Please free to e-mail the principal at alstonk4@gcsnc.com or call me directly at (336) 894-4070.
As a faculty member, you will understand why we say “Excellence is our priority at Foust Elementary School.”
School Information School Address/Telephone Number
Principal- Dr. Kendrick Alston Jackson Middle School (Foust Campus)
Doors Open-7:00am 2200 Ontario St
First Bell-7:25am Greensboro, NC 27403
Tardy Bell-7:35 School Number- 336-370-8155
Dismissal-2:25pm School Fax-336-370-8057
Office Hours-7:00am-4:00pm *The front office is a mobile unit on the Murphey side. It is clearly marked.