Welcome to Mrs. Bethea's Webpage!

  • Welcome to all things Business and Computer Science!

     My name is Chandra Bethea and this is my 11th year at Northwest High School. I am a graduate of North Carolina A & T State University with a BS in Business Education. Before teaching at Northwest, I taught business classes at Dudley High School for three years, was a stay-at-home mom and worked for Moses Cone Hospital in the Accounting Department. I am one of the advisors for FBLA and NTHS.

    I am married with one daughter aged 20 and I have a dog named Zane, a bearded dragon named Tatum (Tate for short), and a kitten named Lexington.

    This year I will teach Honors Entrepreneurship 1 and 2, AP Computer Science Principles and Honors Hospitality and Tourism.

    I am looking forward to working with you all and to a great year!

    Contact Information: betheac@gcsnc.com

    (336)605-3300 ext. 490623


    Please join remind to receive text updates from me.

    Text the message code below for your class to the number 81010.


    Honors Entrepreneurship 1 = @d6966e

    Honors Entrepreneurship 2 = @dfe8c7

    AP Computer Science = @64h24d

    Honors Hospitality and Tourism = @f8bc3b

    FBLA = @2b8hg8



Mrs. Bethea