I am pumped for the upcoming school year! I look forward to the opportunity of getting to know each of you, so please take advantage of any chance to communicate with me. In addition to teaching English, I am also the Staff Coach of the NW Elite Dance Ensemble. For subject-specific information, please refer to your course Canvas page for further details. Feel free to communicate with me through the following methods: Canvas, Remind (see Canvas courses), email, or phone calls. Below is my contact information and schedule:
Email: skordak@gcsnc.com
NWHS phone: 336-605-3300
Room: 108
1st period- English 10 w/Ms. McMillan (9:25-10:21)
2nd period- Planning (10:27-11:20)
3rd period- English 10 w/Ms. McMillan (11:26-12:56)
4th period- Honors English 10 (1:02-1:55)
*HOMEROOM/WIN (2:01-2:27)
5th period- Honors English 10 (2:33-3:26)
6th period- English 10 (3:32-4:25)
Mondays- English Tutoring
Tuesdays- PLC's (department/faculty only)
Wednesdays- Study Hall
Thursdays- Creative Writing Club
Fridays- English Tutoring
Kristin Skordahl
English Department
NW Elite Staff Dance Coach