Welcome to our homepage!
Hello! My name is Jessica Tidmore and I have been teaching at Northwest HS for 6 years now. I am previously from East Tennessee. I attended East Tennessee State University where I earned my B.S. in Biology Education. I am currently enrolled at NCSU for my master's in Biology Edudation. In my free time I enjoy playing soccer, hiking camping, and reading.
email: tidmorj@gcsnc.com
Cell #: 336-303-0614
Classroom supply list:
- ALL students (AP and Honors Bio)
- 1 composition notebook (graph OR college ruled, 100 pages)
- Pencils; #2 and/or mechanical
- Pen; blue or black ink
- Tape
- Glue sticks
- Ruler
- Colored pencils
- Biology students ONLY:
- handout packet (provided by teacher on 1st day of school)
- steno notebook
- AP Biology students ONLY:
- A 2nd composition notebook
- Test Prep Workbook for AP Biology (New Edition 7e; ISBN-10: 0136486932: ISBN-13: 9780136486930). This is HIGHLY recommended but not required. This workbook tends to become backordered. If you do not have the means to purchase a copy of this workbook, I can provide a used copy of the older edition for you to borrow. Just let me know and we can arrange a time for you to pick it up from school.
Teaching Schedule:
1st period: AP Biology
2nd period: PLANNING
3rd period: AP Biology
4th period: Honors Biology
5th period: Honors Biology
6th period: AP Biology
Please check CANVAS for more information and details on day-to-day classroom activities.