Media Center
  • Media Center Policies

    Media Center circulation for the 2020-21 school year will end on Friday, May 14. All books are due back to school by Friday, May 21. If your child has a lost or damaged book, please pay the amount indicated on the overdue notice. Checks should be made payable to Northern Elementary School. Please let me know if you have any questions.


    Follett eBooks Available

    Students may access eBooks for use on computers and digital devices at home or anywhere they have internet access. Simply click here for the Destiny link to access more than 5,000 eBooks. To check a book out, students will need to know their student ID number (username) and their birthdate --mmddyyyy (password).

    Access to the eBooks is also available through the GCS app. This app is free and available for most mobile devices. Please let me know if you have any questions or problems accessing our eBook collection! This is a great resource for leisure reading as well as for research projects.