• Sumner Elementary Wants To Stop Bullying  

    Our students’ ability to learn and grow in a safe and supportive environment is one of our top priorities. This includes making sure schools are free from harassment, bullying and discrimination.

    This website provides resources to help parents, students and employees make sure our schools are bullying-free environments. It is important for everyone in our district to recognize bullying when they see it and know what to do to end it.

    What is Bullying?

    Bullying, harassment and discrimination can take many forms. Bullying is defined as: conduct intended to intimidate, discredit, injure or disturb a student/group of students to the extent that the behavior causes mental/physical harm and is sufficiently severe, persistent (happening frequently) and pervasive. 

    Bullying, harassment and discrimination are serious and will not be tolerated and we encourage you to report by telling an adult and using the Harassment, Bullying and Discrimination form at your school or online. 

    These actions could be face-to-face, written, posted on a website or sent through instant messaging or text messaging. You may have heard some forms of bullying referred to as cyberbullying. They can also be physical and meant to intimidate, or they can be social or emotional and intended to hurt someone’s self-esteem.

    Bullying actions could be related to race, religion, gender, socioeconomic status, academic status, physical appearance, sexual orientation, disability or association with someone who is or is perceived to have one of these characteristics.

    What Should I Do About Bullying?

    If you are a student who is the victim of bullying or you see an act of bullying happening to someone else, you should let a teacher, counselor or the principal know immediately.

    If you are a staff member who witnesses bullying or if an incident is reported to you, you are required by GCS to report it to the principal.

    When someone reports potential bullying, they will be asked to fill out a form about the incident so it can be investigated. Then, an administrator will contact the people involved and provide any support that is needed. There are Peer Mediation Programs at some schools that serve as an intervention to bullying. 

    GCS Expectations

    GCS expects all students and staff members to treat each other with respect and recognize the dignity and worth of all members of our school community.  Reports that are found to be bullying, harassment or discrimination will be taken seriously. Students may face in-school disciplinary action or suspension for repeated or serious violations.  Anyone who experiences or witnesses an act of bullying, harassment or discrimination has the duty to report it. All GCS staff members are required to report it to an administrator.  Parents are also encouraged to report incidents. It takes a whole community working together to put an end to bullying. 

    All reports will be handled confidentially. 


    Cyberbullying is the act of using technology (such as the Internet or cell phones) to send mean, vulgar or threatening messages or images. Sometimes it can take the form of pretending to be someone else in order to make a person look bad. Cyberbullying is particularly dangerous because it can occur any time of the day, it can be distributed quickly and it can be done anonymously.