
    Nat.Greene Parents are the Best in a green box


    How can you help support your child's learning?

    * Please become as actively involved in our school as possible.

    * See that your child completes homework assignments and projects in a timely manner.

    * Speak positively about our school and show your child you support us. This will encourage them to work harder.

    * If there are any problems or misunderstandings, please discuss it with your child's teacher immediately.

    Become a volunteer!

    GCS Volunteer Registration Login (gcsvolunteers.com)



  • Student Registration 

    Registration for new enrollment is now submitted online. 

    Please contact our data manager, Ms. Kimberly Butler, for an appointment or for more information. 

    Use the link at the top of the page for online registration. (place cursor over 'parents' and pick 'enrollment' from the drop down menu. 


    Data Manager: Kimberly Butler, butlerk3@gcsnc.com, 336-685-5000