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Heffner, Jeremy
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Welcome to Mr. Heffner's Class
Welcome to Latin!!! My name is Mr. Heffner and I am the Latin I-AP teacher here at Southwest High School; I also teach Latin for North Carolina Virtual High School. I have a BA in Classical Studies and Archaeology and a Master's Degree in Classical Studies with a concentration in Latin and Ancient Greek. I have been teaching high school Latin for 19 years.For parents and students during the Emergency shutdown of schools:Expectations: Students are expected to log onto Canvas every day and complete the assignments within the course. I will be providing daily announcements that gives updates on the current situation, other useful information, and additional content to help them with the class material. Students should work through each module of the class like they would a textbook. Notes are given and then assessments follow to make sure that they are learning the material.Most of my students have not had an online class before- so this will be a new experience for them. It is important that students stay on task; it is important that parents help manage their children's time and activities. The daily materials will consists of the same activities and assessments that they would have on a normal day. Students need to make sure that they take care of daily assignments since they will be graded on a daily basis.Accessing Canvas:https://my.ncedcloud.org/Everyday I will be hosting a live session to go over notes, assignments, and quizzes; I will also give students time to ask questions and receive any needed help. For these Live Sessions we will be using Zoom. If you do not consent for your student to use Zoom, please let me know so I can offer a different platform. Please see my contact information below and let me know as soon as possible, if you do not consent for your student to use Zoom. Thank you.Please feel free to call or email if you have any questions or concerns.email: heffnej@gcsnc.comgoogle voice/ phone: 336-298-6988
Semester 1:
1st Period: Latin III/IV
2nd Period: Latin I
3rd Period: Latin II
4th Period: Planning
Semester 2:
1st Period: Spanish I
2nd Period: Planning
3rd Period: Latin I
4th Period: Latin II