I am Diana Frye.I was born in Texas, raised in Holden Beach, NC, and settled in Greensboro, NC in 1997. 2017 started my 17th year in education. I earned my undergraduate degree from UNC-Greensboro, my masters from American Military University and my National Board Certified Teacher in SS education. I have been the Academy Coordinator for 4 years here at WGHS. My husband is also a teacher in GCS and I have a lively toddler.
College Board Advanced Placement Capstone Program:
We were the only AP Capstone program in North Carolina and only 1 of 114 schools nationally to be accepted the first year in 2014.
Our first year we graduated 67% with Capstone Diplomas or Certificates
Our second year we graduated 85% with Capstone Diplomas or Certificates
For more information, visit
AP Seminar:
AP Seminar is a foundational course that engages students in cross-curricular conversations that explore the complexities of academic and real-world topics and issues by analyzing divergent perspectives. Using an inquiry framework, students practice reading and analyzing articles, research studies, and foundational, literary, and philosophical texts; listening to and viewing speeches, broadcasts, and personal accounts; and experiencing artistic works and performances. Students learn to synthesize information from multiple sources, develop their own perspectives in written essays, and design and deliver oral and visual presentations, both individually and as part of a team. Ultimately, the course aims to equip students with the power to analyze and evaluate information with accuracy and precision in order to craft and communicate evidence-based arguments.
School Supplies needed:
3 ring binder
lined paper