Welcome to Mrs. Whitestone's Classroom

  • Welcome!  I have been teaching at Southwest since January 2005.  My degree is in Family and Consumer Science with a concentration in Birth to Kindergarten.  Here at Southwest, I teach Early Childhood Education 1, and 2, Advanced Studies, Child Development, and Interior Design Fundamentals and Interior Design Studio.

    I am also the person that you will come see with any questions regarding Service Learning.  You can get Service Learning information from canvas.  There is a Southwest Service Learning Canvas Course.  If you need help getting addred to it, send me an email with your first, last name and you school ID.


    1st Semester Schedule

    1st / 2nd Block- Early Childhood Education 1

    3rd Block - Planning

    4th Block - Interior Design Fundamentals


    2nd Semester Schedule

    1st / 2nd Block - Early Childhood Education 1

    3rd Block - Planning

    4th Block - Interior Design Studio




Mrs. Whitestone

Upcoming Events

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