• Access hundreds of print and ebooks through the Brooks Global Destiny Libary Catalog:


    1)  Click on:  https://search.follettsoftware.com/metasearch/ui/1883

         2)  Once there, click on Login.

         3)  For user name, enter your student's school identification number, or their lunch number.

         4)  For password, enter your child's birthdate.  Please use eight numbers for the password, MMDDYYYY. For example, if your child's birthday is May 5, 2004, please enter 05052004. 


    5) Scroll down to eBooks and search away! 


    If you have any questions, please contact Ms. McEnally (Ms. Mack) at mcenalm@gcsnc.com 

    Here's a helpful flyer from GCS if you need further help:

    GCS Reads On-the-Go: eBook Login Instructions