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Jill McMillan
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Welcome to 7th Grade Math!
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! This is my 23rd year teaching, but my 11th in Guilford County Schools. Before this, I taught for 11 years in New Hanover County (Wilmington, NC), and one year in Durham County. Most of my teaching experience has been in 7th grade Math and/or Science, but I have spent one year teaching 6th grade math and one year teaching 8th grade math and science on a two person team. Overall, I enjoy 7th graders the most!! The amount of maturity and change that occurs within each student from the beginning of the year to the end is amazing to experience! I truly love teaching, and love seeing what great things I can assist my students with accomplishing each year.
As far as education goes, I received my bachelor’s degree in Middle Grades Math and Science from East Carolina in 2002 (Go Pirates!). I also received my master's degree in Curriculum, Instruction, and Supervision from UNCW in 2007 (Go Seahawks!). I am Nationally Board Certified in Early Adolescent Math as well.
I live in Stokesdale with my husband, 8-year-old son named Cannon, and 5 year old daughter named Cora. Life is definitely busy at our house chasing them around! When we have “spare time”, we love going to baseball games and spending time as a family on vacations (especially the beach!). We also love hiking and all things nature.
I am excited about what all we have planned this year in 7th grade Math and Math 1! We will again be teaching using the Open Up Resources curriculum. I am personally very excited about this curriculum. The way the math is taught requires students to truly understand the concepts and WHY they work. Students are not human calculators that just memorize facts, instead they gain a deep understanding about how the math works. This helps them make better connections between concepts! See the link to the Illustrative Math/Open Up Resources page in the Important Links page on the left. You can sign up for a parent account for free!
I will keep in touch with you via Remind and weekly emails, but please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions throughout the year! Email will be the easiest/quickest way to communicate with me: mcmillj2@gcsnc.com.
Let's have a great year!