• Dear Parents,

    The High Point Police Department and the Guilford County School System are committed to providing a safe learning environment. At High Point Central we strive to develop specific goals and high academic standards using communication and commitment within a shared learning environment.

    We would also like to direct out attention towards teenage drug use and property thefts. While at the school we would like to work together with the community towards a common vision of generating enthusiasm and responsibility among students, empowering them with the knowledge of the harmful effects drug use may cause and having a high expectation and positive attitude towards their future.

    With the High Point Police Department, Guilford County School System, and the community working together towards a common goal, it will show our students there is no limit to what can be accomplished if we work together.

    Please feel free to contact Officer Byrom or Officer Vetell if you have any questions or concerns.

Your HPC SRO team