This is my 9th year serving as the Career & Technical Education (CTE) - Business Education teacher at Northern Guilford Middle School. I was honored to be selected as the 2021-2022 Teacher of the Year. I have earned both a BS degree in Marketing and a Master of Arts in Teaching – Business Education from North Carolina A&T State University. Go Aggies!
As students explore the CTE class offerings at NGMS, they acquire technical and soft skills essential to their development as students and potential business leaders. In 6th grade (Computer Skills & Applications), students are taught how to type using the touch method. Emphasis will be given to the correct posture and techniques used while typing. Students will also get an introduction to Microsoft Word. The skills acquired in 6th grade are taken a step further in 7th grade (Intro to Office Productivity). Technical skills are acquired by creating documents (Word), spreadsheets and workbooks (Excel) and multimedia presentations (PowerPoint). In Exploring Business and Entrepreneurship, 8th graders explore the concepts of business principles, entrepreneurship and leadership/team building.
My teaching philosophy is grounded in cultivating a supportive and safe learning environment where students thrive, as they develop critical-thinking and problem-solving skills. When students enter my classroom, they are seen, heard and know that they matter to me. This year will be no different.
I am excited about the 2024-2025 school year as we become Game Changers.