- Western Guilford Middle School
- Visiting Our School
Classroom/Lunch Visits and Volunteer Sign-in Procedures
We have a computer in the main office that is used for parents, visitors, and volunteers to sign-in. Your visitors badge will print from this system. This is also where you sign-out when you are leaving the building.
Parents are encouraged to visit the school, have lunch with students, and participate in our many programs that require parent volunteers. However, it is important that the instructional day be protected with as few interruptions as possible. Any parent or individual requesting to observe in a classroom will need to make prior arrangements with the principal and/or the teacher. Additionally, parent/teacher conferences should be scheduled in advance. Advanced scheduling of conferences allows the teacher to give your concerns the time and attention they deserve.
All visitors and volunteers must sign-in on the computer in the main office before going to any other location in the building. Do not go to your student’s classroom without signing-in in the main office. Visitors must wear a visitors badge while in the building and sign-out in the main office before leaving the school. The aforementioned procedures are necessary in order to ensure your child’s safety and to minimize disruption of the planned instructional day.