Services for Exceptional Children
Contact Us:
134 Franklin Boulevard
Greensboro, NC 27401
Fax: 336.370.2326
Contact us with questions and concerns
Tara Santiago
Senior Executive Director of Exceptional Children Services
Kristy Peralta
Director of EC Secondary School Support
Sonya Herbert
Director of EC Elementary School Support
EC Parent Liaison
Jacqui Hawkins
The EC Parent Liaison is available to answer questions and help parents/caregivers navigate Guilford County Schools and the special education process.
Exceptional Children Services, also called special education, is defined as:
- Specially designed instruction designed to meet the unique needs of a student with a disability
- Access to the general curriculum and intervention programs are designed to provide maximum opportunities for instruction in the general education setting.
- Full continuum of service
- Curriculum driven instruction using the North Carolina Standard Course of Study and the North Carolina Extended Content Standards
- Related services that include but are not limited to speech, occupational and physical therapy
Guilford County Schools' Exceptional Children Services works as a collaborative team to serve and advocate for students with disabilities through the provision of personalized instruction in the least restrictive environment.
Key Contacts in EC Services
Decorative Rule 2
New to Guilford County Schools
Jacqui Hawkins, EC Parent Liaison