Multilingual Learners
The English Learners Department is committed to helping English Learners acquire the necessary language skills to succeed, not only in school, but in life as well. We believe every student has the potential to become a productive and valuable member of our community.
Guilford County Schools (GCS) serves a diverse population of students. There are more than 118 languages spoken in classrooms throughout the district. Among the top ten languages are Spanish, Vietnamese, Urdu, Arabic and French. There are more than 142 student cultural and ethnic groups represented in our district. Please refer to the department links (located on the left of this page) for useful information such as documents, resources, ESL staff, etc.
EL Services
Guilford County School district provides an alternative program for its English Learner students, or English Learners (ELs). The program English Learner (EL) model. In the EL model, the language of instruction is English. The native language of the child is used only for clarification and not for instruction. Since there is a variety of languages represented in the district, this model is more appropriate than a bilingual model. However, the district always remains open to exploring other program models to serve its ELs. Annual program review and evaluation provide an opportunity to revisit the present program model and its effectiveness and to make changes when needed.
Description of Content Based ESL Services
EL classes for grades K-12 are designed to integrate WIDA and Common Core standards. Instruction is organized into five possible language proficiency levels: Level I (Entering), Level II (Emerging), Level III (Developing), Level IV (Expanding), Level V (Bridging). By organizing ESL classes in this way the curriculum in EL classes addresses the particular language needs for students at each level of language proficiency.
Elementary Pull -Out Program
In grades kindergarten through fifth, students are pulled for standards-based EL instruction. EL teachers build students' academic language proficiency and skills in the context of grade-level content area standards.
Co-teaching is a service delivery option in which ELs receive some of their specialized instruction and related services in the context of the general education classroom. Two or more professionals with equivalent licensure are co-teachers, one who is a general educator and one who is a specialist. Both professionals participate fully, although differently, in the instructional process. General educators maintain primary responsibility for the content of the instruction; specialists hold primary responsibility for facilitating the learning process. Instruction employs evidence-based practices and differentiation.
EL Class Period
This type of service is generally used in middle and high school settings. Students receive standards-based EL instruction during a regular class period and usually receive an elective course credit. They may be grouped for instruction according to their level of English proficiency.
Sheltered Instruction
Sheltered instruction is designed for teachers of academic content to use strategies that lower the linguistic demand of the lesson while maintaining the rigor of grade-level content standards. These strategies benefit EL students as well as native English speakers.
EL Classification
The status of an EL student can be determined by the following classifications:
Category 1: Direct Services Level I (Content Based ESL Class)
Students in this category may have proficiency levels 1-5 in Reading/Writing. In small class settings, EL teachers develop lessons that integrate the academic language needed to perform at grade level.
Category 2: Direct Services Level II (Sheltered Instruction/Co-Teaching)
Students in this category may have proficiency levels 1-5 in Reading/Writing. EL teachers and content teachers work collaboratively to develop lessons that integrate the academic language needed to perform at grade level.
Category 3: Direct Services Level III (In Class Tutoring/Advising)
Students in this category may have proficiency levels 1-5 in Reading/Writing. EL and content teachers work collaboratively to meet specific language and academic needs of students in order to perform at grade level.
EL services are provided until students meet the following requirements on the annual ACCESS English Language Proficiency Test: an overall composite score of 4.8. The student is then exited from the EL program and is no longer identified as an English Learner. Exited students are monitored for four years to ensure academic success. EL students cannot be removed from annual proficiency testing until they have exited.
Contact Us
Contact us with questions and concerns
EL Director:
Vanina Hackett
Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and TiKTok: @ellgcs
134 Franklin Blvd
Greensboro, NC 27401
(336) 370-8982 Phone