Meal Prices
Students |
Breakfast |
Lunch |
Pre-K |
$1.00 |
$2.85 |
Elementary |
$1.00 |
$2.85 |
Middle |
$1.00 |
$2.85 |
High |
$1.00 |
$2.85 |
Adults/Teachers/NON-SNS Staff |
A la Carte |
A la Carte |
Extra Items for Purchase
Extra Items for Purchase
Almost all cafeterias offer a vast variety of snacks and beverages as extra items that students can purchase. The foods offered for purchase vary by schools, as there are age related purchasing restrictions. All food items offered for à la carte purchase are in compliance with USDA Smart Snacks rules and regulations, where they are limited in added fats, sugar, sodium, and calories.
Make a Payment
For parents and families, who would like to add money to your child's meal account to purchase meals and à la carte snack, please click the image below, and you will be redirected to the K-12 Payment Center.
Balances & Refunds
- Positive account balances will carry forward to the 2024-2025 school year for all returning students.
- For questions about meal accounts or to request a refund, call Suzanne Perry at 336-370-3249 or Amelia Holland at 336-370-3259.
- If you do not want your child purchasing any snacks and/or food from cafeteria please send in a written note to the cafeteria manager or call your schools cafeteria directly.