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Special Dietary Needs

GCS School Nutrition will accommodate students that have Food Allergies disorders with reasonable menu modifications. Our goal is to ensure that all students receive an equal opportunity to participate in school meal programs. 

All request for special nutritional needs must be submitted to a GCS School Nutrition Services on a GCS Diet Order Form with a licensed Medical Doctor (MD), Physician Assistant (PA), or Nurse Practitioner (NP) signature or a recognized medical authority.

The USDA does not require these forms to be updated yearly, but if a student's diet changes (example: no longer allergic to eggs), parents must notify the Dietitian with a signed note. 

GCS School Nutrition is not required to accommodate food preferences, vegan/vegetarian diets, or diets that abstain from foods due to religion. However, we will try our best to include a variety of choices and meatless options. 

GCS kitchens are peanut and tree nut free, except for an individually wrapped peanut butter and jelly sandwich and peanut butter cups. 

If you have questions about special dietary needs, please contact the Child Nutrition Managers at your student's school.

Special Diet Forms

*If your child needs insulin or tube feedings, please contact your child's school nurse.

For food allergies, celiac disease, PKU, modified food textures, and others:



For a milk intolerance requiring lactose free milk (physician signature not required): 



Summary of Special Diet Procedures

  • Parent sends completed special diet form to the Dietitian, School Cafeteria Manager, or other School Personnel;
  • Dietitian uploads the form and inputs a dietary note on the students account;
  • Dietitian creates a special menu that offers reasonable modifications which is sent to the Cafeteria Manager;
  • Cafeteria Manager prepares and serves the student the meals listed on the special menu;
  • When the student keys in their student number in the lunch line, a dietary note will appear on the computer screen to ensure the student is receiving the correct special meal.  


Interactive Menu 

To see food allergens in menu items:

  1. Go to menus
  2. Select your schools menu
  3. Click Special Meal Accommodations (top center)
  4. Select the food allergen
  5. Menu items that contain the allergen will be marked in red

To see carb counts of menu items:

  1. Go to menus
  2. Select your schools menu
  3. Click Nutrients, Carb Count (top center)

To see nutrition facts of menu items: 

  1. Go to menus
  2. Select your schools menu
  3. Click Nutrients, Nutrient Report Card (top center)