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Crime Prevention for Schools

Creating a safe learning environment is critical to the educational process.  In order for students to learn and grow, a partnership among students, parents, teachers and other community institutions must work together to prevent school violence and take action.

Here are some practical suggestions for all stakeholders to consider:


  • Settle arguments with words and positive dialogue.
  • Do not carry weapons to school.
  • Report crimes or suspicious activities to the police, School Resource Officer, or parents.
  • Tell a school official immediately if you see another student with a gun, knife, or other weapon.
  • Tell a teacher, parent or trusted adult if you are worried about a bully, threats or violence by another student.
  • Don’t use alcohol or drugs, and stay away from places and people associated with them.
  • Get involved in your school’s anti-violence activities.


  • Teach your children how to reduce their risks of becoming crime victims.
  • Know your child s whereabouts at all times.
  • Set clear rules about acceptable activities and behavior in advance.
  • Ask your children about what goes on during the school day. Listen to what they say and take their concerns and worries seriously.
  • Help your children learn non-violent ways to handle frustration, anger and conflict.
  • Become involved in your child’s school activities, PTA and field trips.


Anonymous Tip Reporting


What Should You Report?

You can help save lives by reporting observed threats, behaviors, actions, and harassment. Here are examples of some of the most common behaviors and incidents to report:

  • Acts of violence, with or without weapons
  • Verbal or physical abuse, assault or harassment
  • Sexual abuse, assault or harassment
  • Threats seen on social media
  • Bullying, fighting, harassment or intimidating behaviors
  • Bragging about weapons or a planned attack
  • Depression, anxiety or loss of self-control
  • Hopelessness, excessive guilt or worthlessness
  • Reckless behavior, theft and petty crime
  • Social isolation or withdrawal
  • Substance or alcohol abuse
  • Suicide threats, cutting or other self-harm
  • Any other troubling situation or behavior
For more information go to Say Something Tips -- Sandy Hook Promise