School Meals
GCS School Nutrition continues to lead the way by providing the highest quality meals to our students every day. With the adoption of the 2010 Healthy Hunger-free Kids Act, the USDA has challenged school nutrition programs to raise the bar on nutrition. GCS School Nutrition continues to exceed the parameters set forth by the USDA. Students will see more fruit options at breakfast, along with yogurt and other healthy, nutritious entrees geared for kids on the go. GCS School Nutrition also makes every effort to accommodate students who need special dietary modifications for food allergies, diabetes and textural modifications.
The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act (HHFKA) of 2010 updated the requirements for the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program. School Nutrition Services provides meals that offer whole grains, a variety of fruits and vegetables and lean proteins. As all food items on the breakfast and lunch menus offered at GCS meet the HHFKA guidelines, students are required to have the option to choose any of the components daily.