Sales Tax Referendum for Teachers and Frontline Workers

  • On Nov. 5, 2024, voters in Guilford County will consider a sales tax referendum.

    If the sales tax referendum passes, Guilford County Schools will use the additional funding to:

    • Recruit and retain effective teachers
    • Increase compensation to frontline workers.

Sales Tax Explained

Important Links

  • Find Your Polling Place
  • Voting Information
  • Early Voting Information
  • Sales Tax FAQ
  • “We passed a resolution in support of the sales tax referendum because we believe teachers and frontline workers are essential to improving the quality of education in our schools.”

    The Guilford County Board of Education

Sales Tax Facts

  • Competitive Salary Supplement On average, teachers' supplements in Guilford County are 35% lower than those in peer counties.
  • Minimal Impact on Consumers The proposed sales tax increase is 0.25% (a fraction of a penny). It will not apply to essential items such as gas, groceries, or prescription drugs. For example, a $20 purchase would incur an additional 5 cents in tax to support our local public schools.
  • Balanced Approach to Education Funding The referendum will enable everyone to share the cost of education since it applies to visitors and residents alike.
  • County Commissioners' Commitment to Education The Guilford County Board of Commissioners passed a resolution committing that if that sales tax referendum passes, the Board of Education can use the additional revenues for schoolteacher and staff compensation.