• Agriscience Strand 


     Within the Agriscience program, there are 2 programs of study; Animal Science and Horticulture.  

    Agriculture meets the daily needs that many students take for granted. In a growing global economy, it is imperative that students develop an awareness of the processes that sustain human, plant and animal life. In the Southern Guilford Agriculture Department, students gain hands-on experiences in the school greenhouses, agriculture shop and school barn. Students are directly involved in producing agricultural products on campus such as poinsettias, a variety of spring plants, farm fresh eggs and meat goats. Students also receive opportunities to experience activities in the community such as assisting local farmers and shadowing local veterinarians.

    Agricultural Education courses enable students to see the world through the lens of agriculturists who are dedicated to meeting the increasing demands of a growing world population. Every agricultural course incorporates three main components: classroom & laboratory instruction, work-based learning experiences (Supervised Agricultural Experiences), and involvement in the National FFA Organization, the largest youth organization in the world. Through the integration of these three components, students develop 21st-century skills in academics, work readiness and leadership. Agricultural courses prepare students for more than 300 careers in the agricultural industry including production, financing, processing, marketing and distribution of agricultural services and products.



  •  Animal Science


    j and chicken  

    Animal Science 1

    Animal Science I is designed to develop a solid foundation from which students may further their animal science studies.  This course introduces students to basic terminology that is used throughout the animal science industry, with an emphasis placed on hogs, cattle and poultry. Physiology, animal nutrition, and reproduction are major components in this curriculum and give it a strong science emphasis.  Students also identify and describe the marketing of animal products. Evaluation of livestock and poultry gives students the opportunity to apply the science of agricultural production in a very practical way. At Southern Guilford, students are responsible for maintaining the school barn through weekly chores. Students also receive hands-on experience in the processing and selling of fresh eggs from school hens, breeding school goats in the fall and assisting with the birth of goat kids in the spring.


    Honors Animal Science II – Companion Animal                 

    Animal Science II – Companion Animal provides instruction on small animals that are typically viewed as pets such as cats, dogs, rabbits, birds, pocket pets and reptiles. Content related to the breeding, grooming, care and marketing of animals that fit into this category will be covered throughout this course. This course lays a strong foundation for students that are interested in pursuing a career in the small animal care or veterinary industries. Opportunities for students to gain hands-on experience will be included in the course and reinforced through work-based learning and leadership experiences. At Southern Guilford, students participate in caring for the school animals and guest speakers of the four-legged or winged kind. Students also interact with local industry professionals through guest speakers and/or field trips.


    Honors Animal Science II – Food Animal

     Animal Science II – FoodAnimal expands the knowledge gained in Animal Science I by focusing on large animal and poultry anatomy and physiology, nutrition, reproduction, common diseases, livestock management, waste management and issues of animal welfare. This course lays a strong foundation for students that are interested in pursuing a career in the large animal care or veterinary industries. Opportunities for students to gain hands-on experience will be included in the course and reinforced through work-based learning and leadership experiences. At Southern Guilford, students have an active role in the decision-making process related to the management of the school barn, care of the school animals and marketing of school agricultural products. Students also interact with local industry professionals through guest speakers and/or field trips.


                                                                  Veterinary Assisting

    Veterinary Assisting provides instruction for students desiring a career in veterinary medicine.  Topics include proper veterinary practice management and client relations, pharmacy and laboratory procedures, enhancement of animal care learned in previous animal courses, and surgical/radiological procedures.  Advance FFA leadership will be infused throughout the curriculum to develop the student's ability to work with the public. All aspects of this course will have hands-on skill sets that will be enforced in the classroom and at local veterinary hospitals.  At Southern Guilford, students travel to local veterinary hospitals a minimum of once a week to shadow veterinarians and staff. Students also participate in fieldtrips to specialty veterinary clinics and local farms.


    Veterinary Assisting students that complete 200 classroom hours under the supervision

    of the classroom teacher and 300 internship hours under the supervision of a licensed veterinarian will be prepared for the Veterinary Assisting exam developed by the Texas Veterinary Medical Association. These hours are to be completed over the course of the students 1-3 years of enrollment in animal science courses.

    Students passing the Veterinary Assisting exam will be recognized as Certified Veterinary Assistants - Level I.


  • Horticulture


    Horticulture I

    This course provides instruction in the broad career field of horticulture with emphasis on the scientific and technical knowledge. Topics in this course include plant growth and development, plant nutrition, media selection, basic plant identification, pest management, chemical disposal, customer relations, career opportunities and leadership development.


    Honors Horticulture II and Honors Horticulture II Landscaping:

    Learn advanced skills needed in the horticulture industry. Topics include greenhouse plant production and management, bedding plant production, watering systems, basic landscape design, installation and maintenance, and lawn and turfgrass. Students will complete research projects and presentations on topics such as plant production and management, landscape design and turfgrass management.




    For more information on the Agriscience Strand

    Horticulture contact:

     Brad Hensley  

    Animal Science and Veterinary Assisting contact: 

      Hailey Peeler



  • Example of an Agriscience Student 4 year Schedule



    H Math II or H Math III

    H Civics

    H Biology

    H English I

    Health/ PE

    Animal Science 1





    H Math III or H Precalculus

    H or AP World History

    H Chemistry

    H English II

     Horticulture I

    Foreign Language I

    Foreign Language II




    H Precalculus or AP Calculus

    H American History 1 & 2 or AP US History

    AP Biology or AP Chemistry or H Physics

    H or AP English III

    H Animal Science II (Companion) or H Horticulture II




    AP Calculus AB or AP Calculus BC or AP Statistics

    H or AP Earth/Environmental Science

    H or AP English IV

    H Financial Literacy

    H Animal Science II (Food Animal) and Veterinary Assisting or Horticulture II (Landscaping)
