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Weekly Updates and Reminders
October 23, 2022 Weekly STAR Family Updates
Good afternoon Morehead STAR Families! This is Mrs. Traumuller, the Proud Morehead Principal, with your weekly updates and reminders.
Let's get started with Monday, October 24th being our make up Fall picture day. The company will only be there the time that it takes to complete the wanted/needed pictures. They will start immediately following announcements and wrap up prior to lunch. If you would like to order, please visit our school website.
Thursday, October 27th, will be our Monthly Day to Partner with Out of the Garden. This is the event that is run to provide our families extra support with food and pantry items.
Thursday will also mark our STARS ON THE RUN Pep Rally! This will be hosted during the day, but be on the lookout for information coming home to help us reach our goal! We are almost there and we know we can do it with your help!
Please mark your calendar for both Friday, October 28th and Monday, October 31st as they are teacher work days with no students at school. The end of the first grading period is here and our teachers will begin requesting conferences with every parent in order to ensure that you are aware of your child's progress with their instructional needs.
This brings us to our PTA NEWS:
Our PTA would like to remind you STARS ON THE RUN Campaign will kick off this week with the in school Pep Rally! Students will bring home all information on Thursday. All monies raised from this event will go towards our goal of getting our digital school sign! We need to raise just $2000 more to reach our goal! Please check out the school website to get more information.
That is all that I have for you this week! Thank you for your continued support and partnership. We look forward to seeing your STAR bright and early tomorrow morning!
Good afternoon Morehead STAR Families! This is Mrs. Traumuller, the Proud Morehead Principal, with your weekly updates and reminders.
Let's get started with Monday, October 24th being our make up Fall picture day. The company will only be there the time that it takes to complete the wanted/needed pictures. They will start immediately following announcements and wrap up prior to lunch. If you would like to order, please visit our school website.
Thursday, October 27th, will be our Monthly Day to Partner with Out of the Garden. This is the event that is run to provide our families extra support with food and pantry items.
Thursday will also mark our STARS ON THE RUN Pep Rally! This will be hosted during the day, but be on the lookout for information coming home to help us reach our goal! We are almost there and we know we can do it with your help!
Please mark your calendar for both Friday, October 28th and Monday, October 31st as they are teacher work days with no students at school. The end of the first grading period is here and our teachers will begin requesting conferences with every parent in order to ensure that you are aware of your child's progress with their instructional needs.
This brings us to our PTA NEWS:
Our PTA would like to remind you STARS ON THE RUN Campaign will kick off this week with the in school Pep Rally! Students will bring home all information on Thursday. All monies raised from this event will go towards our goal of getting our digital school sign! We need to raise just $2000 more to reach our goal! Please check out the school website to get more information.
That is all that I have for you this week! Thank you for your continued support and partnership. We look forward to seeing your STAR bright and early tomorrow morning!