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First Day of School THANKS and UPDATES

This is Mrs. Traumuller, the Morehead Principal, with a huge "thank you" to all of our Morehead Families! Today was a huge success! Both morning and afternoon car lines were only 30 minutes on opening day and that is AMAZING! Thank you for your patience as we aim for 20 minutes. A few tips for a successful drop off and/or pick up experience:

Please write your teacher a note if the child is going home differently than what you initially communicated.
If you are sending a family member or friend, please make sure that they know your child's name and grade.
Please do not park on the side of the street. You can and will get ticketed for this if the police are here and worse - it creates a traffic congestion and unsafe conditions.
If you are walking up to get your child, you must have communicated that to the teacher as we have various places designated for you to pick up and it is very hard to communicate a change last minute during a dismissal of over 500 students.
You cannot drive your car into the bus loop. IT IS A MAJOR safety concern as students cannot see on the other side of the buses.
You can only turn right out of the car line. This is a traffic pattern that helps keep our lines flowing so that neighborhood traffic and buses can continue to flow through.

A final note regarding kindergarten and third grade hearing screening. The students in these grades will have hearing screenings through the first two weeks of school. Please note that if their is a concern for further testing, you will be notified.

THANK YOU AGAIN FOR YOUR SUPPORT AND PARTNERSHIP! We truly do value you! We will see you bright and early tomorrow morning!