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Weekly Updates and Reminders 09/24/23
Sunday, September 24, 2023 Weekly STAR Family Updates
Good afternoon Morehead STAR Family! This is Mrs. Traumuller with your weekly updates and reminders for the week ahead! We have so much information to relay this week, make sure to pay attention and get your calendar ready!
Monday, the 25th of September is a teacher workday with no school for students. Students have begun taking their first round of NWEA testing. This is an assessment that they do not need to study for but that gives us an idea of where students are and what needs we need to fill in order for them to have a successful year. They take this assessment on their devices and it crucial that they have their devices daily that are fully charged and ready to go for learning. Thank you for supporting us with the devices. Once the results are in whole school, we will begin looking at in school tutoring options and groups for learning supports and enhancements. Please also mark your calendars for our Fall pictures which will be held on October 10th.
STAR Families with bus riders - please help us reinforce positive bus behavior. Students should not have devices out, they should be in their seats unless the bus is stopped and they are getting on or off the bus, and they should be talking at a level 1. We are seeing an increase in bus write ups due to behaviors that are not within our schoolwide expectations. Students will be issued warnings at first but riding the bus must come hand and hand with good behavior as it is a major safety concern. Thank you for speaking to your STAR about this behavior.
If you are the parent of a kindergarten student, please ensure that we have both your NC Health Assessment on file and the updated Vaccination records no later than the end of day on 9/27. If we do not have these documents on file, the students will not be allowed to come to school after this date. Our wish is to have them all on file so that all of our STARS can continue to learn and thrive.
News from our PTA:
Our PTA has their website up to date on our webpage and we encourage you not only to join the PTA but also to check out the updates. The webpage can be found here.
Skate Night was a success, thank you to the 259 individuals who purchased ticket to skate. We raised $657.50 for PTA!
Please join us for City Barbeque anytime between 11 am and 9 pm at 2647 Lawndale road for lunch or dinner as 20% of the profits will go to PTA.
Stars on the Run Fundraiser Sponsorship Campaign kickoff. We need community and family sponsors, and these range from $150-1,000 and come with some great star perks! The deadline to lock in sponsorship is Oct. 8th.
PTA International Night Table Sign Up! Morehead International Night is coming up on Friday, October 27th. We can't wait to get together for a night of food and fun to celebrate the many cultures and communities represented at Morehead! Last year we had incredible food from Sudan, Venezuela, Cuba, France, Algeria, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Italy, the Democratic Republic of Congo, El Salvador, Nigeria, Morocco, Benin, Ghana, and the Dominican Republic. We would love for your star family to host a table to represent a country, culture, or place that is important to you. Please look for a flyer this week to sign up to host a table or sign up from the link (https://tinyurl.com/PTAtableSignup) on our school webpage.
Keep in the know with all PTA news! Your scholar should have come home with a blue bookmark of all the PTA dates and events, and you can also find a copy of this and links to subscribe to the PTA google Calendar online or in the digital version of this message.
That is all that I have for you. We are looking forward to seeing our STARS bright and early on Tuesday morning!
Good afternoon Morehead STAR Family! This is Mrs. Traumuller with your weekly updates and reminders for the week ahead! We have so much information to relay this week, make sure to pay attention and get your calendar ready!
Monday, the 25th of September is a teacher workday with no school for students. Students have begun taking their first round of NWEA testing. This is an assessment that they do not need to study for but that gives us an idea of where students are and what needs we need to fill in order for them to have a successful year. They take this assessment on their devices and it crucial that they have their devices daily that are fully charged and ready to go for learning. Thank you for supporting us with the devices. Once the results are in whole school, we will begin looking at in school tutoring options and groups for learning supports and enhancements. Please also mark your calendars for our Fall pictures which will be held on October 10th.
STAR Families with bus riders - please help us reinforce positive bus behavior. Students should not have devices out, they should be in their seats unless the bus is stopped and they are getting on or off the bus, and they should be talking at a level 1. We are seeing an increase in bus write ups due to behaviors that are not within our schoolwide expectations. Students will be issued warnings at first but riding the bus must come hand and hand with good behavior as it is a major safety concern. Thank you for speaking to your STAR about this behavior.
If you are the parent of a kindergarten student, please ensure that we have both your NC Health Assessment on file and the updated Vaccination records no later than the end of day on 9/27. If we do not have these documents on file, the students will not be allowed to come to school after this date. Our wish is to have them all on file so that all of our STARS can continue to learn and thrive.
News from our PTA:
Our PTA has their website up to date on our webpage and we encourage you not only to join the PTA but also to check out the updates. The webpage can be found here.
Skate Night was a success, thank you to the 259 individuals who purchased ticket to skate. We raised $657.50 for PTA!
Please join us for City Barbeque anytime between 11 am and 9 pm at 2647 Lawndale road for lunch or dinner as 20% of the profits will go to PTA.
Stars on the Run Fundraiser Sponsorship Campaign kickoff. We need community and family sponsors, and these range from $150-1,000 and come with some great star perks! The deadline to lock in sponsorship is Oct. 8th.
PTA International Night Table Sign Up! Morehead International Night is coming up on Friday, October 27th. We can't wait to get together for a night of food and fun to celebrate the many cultures and communities represented at Morehead! Last year we had incredible food from Sudan, Venezuela, Cuba, France, Algeria, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Italy, the Democratic Republic of Congo, El Salvador, Nigeria, Morocco, Benin, Ghana, and the Dominican Republic. We would love for your star family to host a table to represent a country, culture, or place that is important to you. Please look for a flyer this week to sign up to host a table or sign up from the link (https://tinyurl.com/PTAtableSignup) on our school webpage.
Keep in the know with all PTA news! Your scholar should have come home with a blue bookmark of all the PTA dates and events, and you can also find a copy of this and links to subscribe to the PTA google Calendar online or in the digital version of this message.
That is all that I have for you. We are looking forward to seeing our STARS bright and early on Tuesday morning!