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Kindergarten Registration is Open!
Registration for the 22/23 school year has started!
You'll need to go to gcsnc.schoolmint.net and create an account as the parent/guardian (if you haven't already) then create an application for your student(s).
On the application you'll need to upload, *proof of residence, birth certificate, immunizations and the NC Health Assessment (if you already have it). You have to upload these items before hitting "Submit Forms."
*Proof of address to verify the domicile of the parent(s) or court-appointed guardian/custodian in ONE of the following forms:
- Current, original gas, oil, water or electric bill in the name of the parent(s) or court-appointed guardian/custodian. (Telephone and cable television bills are not acceptable.)
- Official lease agreement in the name of the parent(s) or court-appointed guardian/custodian.
- Driver's license (or State ID card from Department of Motor Vehicles) andvoter registration card (obtain from the Board of Elections Office - not the Department of Motor Vehicles. DMV will not provide documentation of voter registration). These items must be in the name of the parent(s) or court-appointed guardian/custodian.
- Driver's license (or State ID card) andcar registration in the name of the parent(s) or court-appointed guardian/custodian.
- Driver's license (or State ID card) andletter from employer verifying address of the parent(s) or court-appointed guardian/custodian. Letter from employer must be on company letterhead.
- Driver's license (or State ID card) or voter registration card andMedicaid card in the name of the parent(s) or court-appointed guardian/custodian.