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Welcome to the AG Web-page

Welcome to my classroom. The Academically Gifted Program is an enrichment model which provides 90 minutes of service per week in the students' area(s) of eligibility. Students can be eligible for reading and/or math and are pulled out of the general classroom to meet with the AG teacher. Through the enrichment model, students focus on 3 main areas: communication, problem solving, and metacognition. Students have opportunities to apply and extend concepts and skills that they have learned in the general education setting to new learning situations. Pull-out services begin in third grade. K-2 needs are met on a consultative basis. I go into all second grade classrooms to deliver whole group lessons throughout the year.

The AG curriculum addresses the NC Standard Course of Study and Common Core State Standards. The language arts curriculum focuses on authentic tasks balancing reading, speaking/listening, written response, and engaging scenarios where students creatively apply and synthesize their knowledge.

The math curriculum focuses on 8 Mathematical Practices:

  • Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them
  • Reason abstractly and quantitatively
  • Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others
  • Model with mathematics
  • Use appropriate tools strategically
  • Attend to precision
  • Look for and make use of structure
  • Look for and express regularity of repeated reasoning