Board Approves Contract for Site Work at Simkins Elementary

On Tuesday, the Guilford County Board of Education approved three contracts for construction and maintenance projects in Guilford County Schools (GCS).

The board awarded a contract in the amount of $3,245,894 to Samet Corporation/SRS to perform early site work at Simkins Elementary, including grading and clearing the land, preparing the building pad and installing the parking lot, roadways, curbs and gutters.

The school will be located at 3511 E. Lee St. in Greensboro and will serve approximately 700 students in kindergarten through fifth grade. It will relieve congestion at Alamance Elementary and potential overcrowding at Sedalia Elementary and McLeansville Elementary.

Also Tuesday, the Board:

  • Approved awarding a construction contract to Greensboro Roofing Company in the amount of $515,170 for a classroom and gym roof replacement at Penn-Griffin School for the Arts.
  • Approved awarding a construction contract to Bar Construction Company, Inc. in the amount of $346,000 to improve the accessibility of entryways, replace lockers and upgrade lighting at Allen Middle.